May 2020 Leader of the Month

Leaders of the Month
Blog Post

Grant has risen to the challenge to lead!  At 20 years old, the first day of the summer season last year he unexpectedly needed to step up to the plate. And he did….without hesitation.  He has developed into a strong, enthusiastic leader who is loved by his Advantage Kids. He has adapted programming for covid safety guidelines and Tennis-at-home challenges.  He developed an Advantage Kids’ curriculum guidebook with content from the United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA), Net Generation, and area instructors with decades of experience.

But the BEST PART is how much the kids LOVE him!  Take a look at a parent testimonial from 2019:

As parents of a child who has been the beneficiary of the Advantage Kids Tennis Program for four (4) years, we would like to thank you for the exceptional 2019 summer tennis program.Your leadership brought fresh ideas and new enthusiasm to the program, coaches and kids.This year we experienced major changes from the previous years in the entire tennis teaching process.

Every kid was 100% engaged in the tennis lessons, we observed major improvement in performance and attitude.

Your selection of coaches was also inspired. The lessons of the coaches, with special emphasis on Grant Workman's state-of-the-art lessons were highly engaging and well-prepared. The tennis courts were fully used, in an organized manner, to focus on group and individual learning as needed.

Sessions were well-planned, taking full advantage of the time. Adequate equipment (rackets, balls) and bottled water was provided for every kid.

Homework was also exemplary, covering a wide range of topics from tennis to math and presented to every kid in a nice folder.

The staff was always on time, one hour before the tennis lessons started, preparing the courts and setting up the equipment for tennis training and complementary physical exercises.

This year, for the first time our son is missing the Advantage Kids tennis program already, for this reason we would like to have this program all year long and we would inquire with the Superintendent of the Laconia Schools exploring options in this direction.

Thank YOU,
Parents of AK Participant

Advantage Kids couldn’t be happier to have Grant as a leader on our team.  He will definitely be instrumental in bringing tennis back to NH a million fold!

Leader of the Month