November Leaders of the Month

Leaders of the Month
Blog Post

Huge shout out to Kent and Carolyn Hemingway - the dream team of Advantage Kids!  They have been volunteering their time to teach tennis and enrichment to the Mount Washington Valley with heartfelt dedication.

Their ability to touch the lives of children is undeniable.  Through the Jackson and Cranmore USTA Team Challenges to the Cranmore Indoor Tennis co-op program they have exposed elementary through high school kids locally as well as children from China, South Korea, Spain and Germany.  

To be taught by these former educators is a blessing. Their unique approach of teaching tennis with invaluable life skills positively impacts all.  Jaylnn’s mom from Jackson complimented their program stating “All the coaches were so friendly and patient. My daughter greatly struggles with ADHD. As a mom I was so happy she didn't stand out. Each station was organized in a way that you learned a new skill and practiced. I loved how inviting and encouraging everyone was.”

Their most recent endeavor is the very rewarding ACEing Autism program at the Laconia Boys and Girls Club.  ACEing Autism is a national nonprofit designed to use the sport of tennis as a means to provide unique social and developmental benefits to children with autism. Visit for more information.

Kent & Carolyn are also looking to bring tennis into the SAU 9 and 13 physical education programs with the help of USTA Net Generation.  AK is looking forward to partnering with schools to keep tennis alive in NH!

Although recently retired, Kent & Carolyn are growing tennis with an unwavering dedication.  Thanks from AK and all the children and families you have touched!

Leader of the Month